Renjini Narendranath Will Talk About How WordPress Empowers Women By Sharing Her WordPress Journey

It’s time to announce the next speaker for WordCamp Kochi 2018 – Renjini Narendranath!

Renjini is a freelance content writer who builds websites using WordPress. Her strength lies in combining the power of words and visual elements to make a website interesting to the user, and friendly to the search engines, such that the pages rank well in the search results.  She possesses a strong interest and skillset in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Social Media Marketing (SMM).

At WordCamp Kochi 2018, Renjini will be delivering a session on the topic: WordPress For Women Empowerment: How WordPress Helped Me As A Content Writer To Build A Successful Career 

WordPress gives tremendous power for women entrepreneurs who want to start a business online. Selling through social media was the trend among women for a while now. That trend is shifting rapidly to a website centric approach with e-commerce platforms. More and more women are aware today that building a website and updating content is easier than ever with WordPress.

The user can update the content themselves and do not have to call in the web developer – this is an attractive option for every business owner who at the core is a DIY-person. Women are natural storytellers. And we know that stories make great brands. Logically coherent, intensive and innovative stories can be written by women who are the owners of business. These stories can then be utilized as blogs for SEO and social media sharing. WordPress can be used as an excellent platform for rigorous and iterative content creation and revision until satisfied result is achieved.

Through her talk, Renjini will be sharing her experiences – on how she got into the WordPress world, and how she has built, taught and transferred WordPress websites rich with shareable engaging content for her women clients who have thriving businesses online. By sharing her experience, Renjini will also talk about how WordPress is a wonderful tool for women to find their voice, establish themselves online, and succeed.

Want to listen to this amazing talk by Renjini? Come, attend WordCamp Kochi 2018! Get your tickets now!

Hardeep Asrani Will Talk About Gutenberg – The Future Of Content Editing In WordPress

We are excited to announce the next speaker at WordCamp Kochi 2018 – Hardeep Asrani!

Hardeep Asrani is a developer and Star Wars fan from Kanpur. He loves contributing to WordPress community in many ways, including support, themes, plugins and more. You can find him on Slack pretty much all the time exploring different parts of WordPress community.

Hardeep works for as a support ninja and developer. Hardeep is also one of the organisers of WordCamp Kanpur.

If you have used WordPress recently, you would definitely have noticed the Gutenberg notification in the WordPress dashboard. Gutenberg is the brand new editor in WordPress which uses a concept called ‘blocks’ to build content, instead of the standard editor, and is all set to be merged in the WordPress core!

Hardeep will introduce all of you to the wonderful world of Gutenberg and blocks!

His talk will introduce the audience to Gutenberg, its history and its present state. Additionally, he will do a deep dive into the progress of Gutenberg, all its features, and all the possibilities it offers to developers.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg – there’s more to Gutenberg that meets the eye, and major changes are planned in upcoming phases. Hardeep will also delve into the upcoming phases of Gutenberg (especially Phase 2), and will share more details on how people are doing amazing projects with the same.

Are you excited to learn about the most revolutionary change to WordPress since its inception? Come, attend WordCamp Kochi 2018 to meet Gutenberg and listen to this amazing talk from Hardeep! Get your tickets now!

WordCamp Kochi 2018 is over. Check out the next edition!